Thursday, August 23, 2012

Project 3: “The Full Figure”

A life model will pose for class as the subject of your sculpture. The modeling sessions will be scheduled during all class periods as well as required out of class sessions. You will create two figure sculptures for this project.
Part 1 - Female: You will create a quick but completed figure study to be done during two class sessions – one week. The goal will be to learn to block out the figure to convey gesture and anatomical observations. This figure will be in a reclining pose to limit considerations of gravity. You will be working with a female model.
• Building Method:
Modeled solid and hollowed.
• Size:
The size limitation on the figure is 24" across.
• Resources:
A videotape showing the sculpting process of contemporary Italian sculptor Bruno Luchessi will be shown to offer a demonstration of tools and methods. You are required to review the illustrated books by Luchessi (on reserve for this class in the FAA library) - modeling the figure and the terra cotta portrait.
• Materials:
Please find or purchase a flat board 1/2" or 5/8" in thickness to be used for a surface to build on. Thinner boards will warp. It is suggested that the board is sealed with Thompson’s Water Seal and/or covered with canvas (either will keep the board flat). A turntable or lazy susan is required. You also might find wood carving tools interesting to experiment with at this time (reference the Lucchesi video).
• Surfacing:
You can use terra sig and patinas or underglazes and stain with an overglaze or glaze.
• Criterion for grading:
Anatomical accuracy, proportion, and gesture will be evaluated and discussed as you work.

Part 2 - Male: You will create a more comprehensive figure sculpture of a male model complete with detailed modeling of face, hands and feet. This sculpture is to reflect the modeling style of a sculptor you admire.
During this second figure modeling sequence the group will have a voice in the pose selected (perhaps seated or standing). The model scheduled is to be male, to offer an experience with a different figure type and anatomical articulation. This project will focus on developing modeling style and increasing the size of the sculpture.

• Building Method:
Option to work solid or with slabs and pinch.
• Size:
The size of this vertical figure will be increased to 20”- 30” H.

• Resources:
Slides will be shown in class of ceramic figure sculptors who work within an academy style or with evident anatomical consideration including: Doug Jeck, Ron Meuch, Joseph Chinard, August Rodin and others.

Choose a figurative sculptor (realist) whose aesthetic style captures your interest. The artist can be from any period in Art History or a contemporary figurative sculptor. The sculptor does not have to work exclusively in clay.

• Goals:
This assignment requires that you research the style of the sculptor by looking at, at least ten sculptural pieces by the artist. Choose one piece and do a drawing where you note proportions and body type. Analyze it and list the elements of the sculptural style including; massiveness, gesture, articulation (hair, eyes, hands) simplification, posture, draped/nude, facial expression, etc.

Incorporate this “sculptural style” into the life sculpture of the male figure. The sculpture is to remain anatomically correct and as life-like and “realistic” as your skills and perception will permit. The style for modeling, however, might emulate Rodin, loose and flowing, might reflect Donatello’s style tight and linear (compare to Ingres in drawing) or like Michelangelo’s muscular articulations; massive hard and robust.

• Surfacing:
You can use terra sig and patinas or underglazes and stain with an overglaze.

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