Thursday, August 23, 2012


All projects, reading responses, and research projects must be completed on time for full credit. Specific due dates are stated on each project sheet and are announced in class. Failure to complete any project on time will result in a drop of one full letter grade, and failure to complete any other assignment, such as response papers, in-class exercises, or other class work, on time will result in a drop of ½ letter grade for each day it is late. If the time line states that a project is due at the beginning of class, turning it in at the end or after class is considered late. You must have work finished and installed before the start of class on critique days or your work will not be critiqued and your project grade will be lowered. It is the student’s responsibility to turn in all work on time. The ceramic process requires that green ware be completely fabricated and detailed, then dried for several days, depending upon scale and complexity. Please finish building all wet work on time for green ware due dates and manage the careful drying of your work so that you can meet all deadlines. Clay requires your regular attention to achieve good results. It cannot be rushed or neglected. Full participation by showing completed work during all critiques is required along with active participation through shared ideas and commentary.

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