Thursday, August 23, 2012

Health and Safety - Ceramics:

Specific Area information for Ceramics
Area Rules:
• Follow all SA+AH Health and Safety handbook guidelines.
• Alcohol is forbidden in studios.
• No smoking in the building or within 50 feet of any entrance.
• No eating or drinking in the glaze or mixing areas.
• Shoes must be worn at all times.
• It is recommended that protective equipment be worn at all times: safety glasses when grinding, chipping shelves, etc., protective lenses for kiln viewing, gloves for hot objects, heat resistant aprons for raku, ear protection for grinding and sawing, rubber gloves for mixing hazardous materials
• Do not block aisles, halls, doors
• Do not bring children or pets into the studios
• Do not store things on the floor
• Do not park bikes in the building
• Clean up spills immediately
• Scoop up dry materials, mop up liquids, do not replace spilled materials in original source if spilled for they are contaminated
• Carry heavy and large trash bags loaded with trash to dumpster
• Place materials containing Barium and Chrome in the hazardous waste disposal area
• Do not sweep for this puts hazardous materials into the air; rather scrape up chunks and wet-clean area.

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