Thursday, August 23, 2012



85% 3 studio projects (including research, preparatory reading and maquettes (Project #1 is 25 % , Project #2 is 30%, Project #3 is 30%)
5% Glaze testing requirement (5%)
Participation in kiln loading, firing, and unloading
5% Participation and contributions to group critiques

Attendance will be considered into your grade with more than three absences resulting in a grade drop.

Please keep in mind that an outstanding student attends class regularly, is on time, keeps the course work schedule, participates, fully in kiln firing activities as well as producing great art work.

A = excellent, distinguished use of concepts, materials, and execution
B = good use of concepts, materials, execution
C = average
D = marginal
F = unacceptable, failure. No credit.

A+ 100%-97 B+ 89%-87 C+ 79%-77 D+ 69%-67 F 0
A 96-94 B 86-84 C 76-74 D 66-64
A- 93-90 B- 83-80 C- 73-70 D- 63-60

UF online information about undergraduate grading:

Grading: Your grade will result from an evaluation of the following criteria: project grades, a cumulative glazing grade, participation in team firings, and participation in group critiques. Each project will be graded for technical execution, aesthetics, expression/concept, degree of difficulty. Attendance will be considered into your grade with more than three absences resulting in a grade drop.

A = 100 – 90: Excellent work, work meets the requirements and goes above and beyond expectations.
B = 89 – 80: Work meets all requirements to a high degree, and is presented in a meaningful fashion.
C = 79 – 70: Work is average, meets all requirements minimally, presentation is “satisfactory.”
D = 69 – 60: Work is below average, concepts are missing or not fulfilled, presentation lacks quality.
F = 59 – 50: “F” Work receives a failing grade, unacceptable and insufficient work.

Grade Values for Conversion
Letter Grade A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- E, I, NG, S-U, WF
Grade Points 4.0 3.67 3.33 3.00 2.67 2.33 2.00 1.67 1.33 1.00 .67 0.00

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