Thursday, August 23, 2012


*note: all kiln firings are subject to kiln availability and overall scheduling for all classes
Week 1
Wednesday August 22 Classes begin; Intro and Course Overview (blog, image presentation of the state of ceramic figure sculpture today, tools, books) Set Up Studio (lockers, cubbies), Assign Project #1, Bring container for casting hand(s) or foot (feet)
Week 2
Monday August 27 Demo casting with Alja-safe, Work Day – create Alja-safe castings
HOMEWORK: Reading on Ceramic techniques Chapter 5 of Make it in Clay

Wednesday August 29 Building Demo, Work Day – Cut away Alga-safe waste molds, Seal molds with superseal or fixative
HOMEWORK: Make life scale maquette of hand or foot
Week 3
Monday September 3 LABOR DAY– No Classes

*Wednesday September5 Critique of Maquettes, Demo: test tiles (Yixing mallet, slab roller),
Workday – Begin building Perceptual Sculpture
HOMEWORK: Make 25 test tiles for the semester’s glaze testing

Week 4
Monday September 10 Workday- Build Hand/Foot, Tutorials with Nan
HOMEWORK: Continue building sculpture, dry test tiles

Wednesday September 12 Demo: kiln loading, cone packs, load test tiles (plan firing), Workday
HOMEWORK: Continue building sculpture, Fire and unload kiln
Thursday September 13 Firing team fire test tiles
Friday September 13 Firing team unload test tiles

Week 5
Monday September 17 Workday
HOMEWORK: Complete Project #1 for Crit on Wednesday

Wednesday September 19 GROUP CRITIQUE FOR PROJECT #1; Greenware Critique
HOMEWORK: Wrap sculptures under bath towels to dry slowly, Bring camera phone or digital cameras to class for photo session for Project #2

Week 6
Monday September 24 Assign Project #2, Session on Sketching the Head with Clay – Pinched heads, Demo – The Gauze Head – Planar discovery, 360 degree photo session
HOMEWORK: Create photos of your head, Sketches for your portrait head/What is a portrait? What do you want to convey along with the physical likeness?

Wednesday September 26 Session on the Skull and anatomy of the Head with Video (Farault) and demo
Workday, Gauze molds? Maquette of your Head Sculpture
HOMEWORK: Read Textbook pages 38-69

Friday September 28 Special Studio Day with Nan – Tutorials for Project #2 – Time: TBA, Location: Handbuilding Lab

Week 7
*Monday October 1 Demo: Building the life scale Head, Videos- Farault, Bova, Workday– Start building your form
HOMEWORK: Read Textbook pages 102-125 and 130-141
Continue working on Project #2
Wednesday October 3 VISITING ARTIST WORKSHOP–Molly Hatch Lecture and Demo ( Attendance at the workshop demonstration and evening lecture is required for the course.
HOMEWORK: Continue working on Project #2
HOMEWORK: Glaze Testing Project #1; Mix glazes/apply to test tiles using terra sigilatas, patinas, underglaze and glaze

Friday October 5 Special Studio Day with Nan – Tutorials on the Head TBA

Week 8
Monday October 8 Workday; Tutorials with Nan, Load Bisque - Project #1
Workday, Load Glaze test kiln (fire tomorrow – set up firing team)
HOMEWORK: Continue working on Project #2

Tuesday October 9 Fire Bisque Project #1, Fire glaze test kilns

Wednesday October 10 Workday; Tutorials with Nan, Unload kilns
HOMEWORK: Work on developing Project #2

Week 9 – Mid-term
Monday October 15 Workday; tutorials with Nan – Last in class session for Project #2
HOMEWORK: Complete Project #2 for Critique

*Wednesday October 17 GROUP CRITIQUE FOR PROJECT #2
Homework: Glaze Project #1, Begin Drying Project #2

Friday October 19 Load Glaze Kilns in am

Saturday October 20 Firing team Fire glaze kilns

Sunday October 21 Unload glaze kilns in morning… vacuum kilns and clean shelves (This will be done by the firing team)

Week 10
* Monday October 22 Project #3 Part 1 – Female LIFE MODEL 1 – Select pose and make maquette, Take photos of pose to record gesture for out of class work on sculpture – Hand in Project #1 for Grading
HOMEWORK: Color studies for Project #2, drawings

Wednesday October 24 Project #3 Part 1 – Female LIFE MODEL- Part 1-2 – Tutorials and meetings about color plan for Project #2
HOMEWORK: Glaze tests for Project #2 must be completed to load in kiln on Friday

Friday October 26 Project #3 Part 1 – Female Out of Class Model Session #3 - Continue Individual Tutorials with Nan, Load Glaze Test Kiln
HOMEWORK: Fire and unload kiln

Saturday October 27 Fire GlazeTest kilns

Sunday October 28 Unload GlazeTest kilns

Week 11
Monday October 29 Project #3 Part 2 – Male LIFE MODEL-4 Workday, Individual tutorials, Load bisque Project #2 Homework: Continue working, Fire Bisque

Tuesday October 20 Fire Bisque Project #2

Wednesday October 31 Project #3 Part 2 – Male LIFE MODEL-5, Unload Bisque Project #2

Friday November 2 Project #3 Part 2 – Male Out of Class Model Session #6 - Continue Individual Tutorials with Nan

Week 12
Monday November 5 Project #3 Part 2 – Male LIFE MODEL-7, Workday, Individual tutorials
HOMEWORK: Glaze Project #2

Wednesday November 7 Project #3 Part 2 – Male LIFE MODEL-8. Load Glaze kilns Project #2

Thursday November 8 Fire Glaze Kilns Project #2
Project #3 Part 2 – Male Out of Class Model Session #9


Saturday November 10 or Unload Glaze Kilns Project #2
Sunday November 11

Week 13
Monday November 12 VETERAN’S DAY – No Class

Tuesday November 13 Out of Class Model Session #10

Wednesday November 14 LIFE MODEL-11- Last Day of Wet Work, Hand in Project #2 for Grading
Individual Tutorials for color designs Project #2,
Load Glaze Test tiles in kilns
HOMEWORK: Glaze Project #2 for Monday’s Kilns

Friday November 15 Art Bash – Set up display for class using Project #1

Week 14
Monday November 19 In Class Glaze testing for Project #3, Load Glaze test kilns for Project #3

Tuesday November 20 Fire Glaze Kilns

Wednesday November 21 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY – No Class (travel day)
Kilns will cool

Thursday November 22 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY – No Class (travel day)
Kilns will cool

Friday November 23 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY- No Class
Kilns will cool

Saturday November 24 Firing Team Unload Glaze Kilns

Week 15
Monday November 26 Load Bisque Kilns for Project #3, Individual Tutorials for color designs Project #3

Tuesday November 27 Fire Bisque Kiln Project #3

Wednesday November 28 Workday – Glaze Project #3

Thursday November 29 Load and Fire Glaze Kilns for Project #3 (load in am)

Friday November 30 Cool Kilns

Saturday November 31 Unload Kilns

Week 16
Monday December 3 FINAL CRITIQUE – Project 1, Clean up Studio
Wednesday December 5 FINAL CRITIQUE Project 2 and 3, Last Day of Class
Pot luck Lunch

Wednesday December 9 Classes End
Thursday December 6 and Friday December 7 Reading Days
December 8, 10-14 Final Examinations

December 17-18 Commencement

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